LSS and Industry 4.0 in manufactoring Pymes: a paper review
Industry 4.0, Lean Six Sigma, SMEsAbstract
Achieving productivity improvement in the operations of SMEs through the use of methodologies is the challenge that business leaders have, it is for this reason that an investigation is undertaken to identify the studies that have been addressed on the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) in small and medium-sized manufacturing companies (SMEs) published between 2005 and 2020 in English as a preliminary input for the development of future research work in the area.
The objective of the article is to determine, based on a review of the scientific literature, which are the trends, countries, authors and methodological factors with greater and lesser participation, through the simultaneous analysis of the LSS, the I4.0 and the SMEs to identify future research opportunities.
For the development of the study, a Systematic Review of the Literature (RSL) is carried out, which guides the formulation of the research questions, the definition of the search criteria, the definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the evaluation of the quality of the articles and the identification of research opportunities. To complement the work, a taxonomic analysis of the literature is carried out, with the aim of characterizing and weighing elements of the systematic review, which allow the identification of key methodological factors to establish future research.
After carrying out the search through the RSL, 105 articles are selected, where it is possible to identify the percentage of their participation in the thematic groups studied: 58% of the articles found are related to the LSS-Pymes; followed by 29% related to I4.0- SMEs; with 12% are the LSS-I4.0; and finally, SMEs-LSS-I4.0 with 1%. Derived from the analysis, it is identified that the topics studied have a growing interest in the scientific community according to the behavior evidenced in the publications between 2005 and 2020. Additionally, the authors and representative countries in the LSS-SMEs and I4.0-SMEs topics are identified, the relevant authors are Jiju Antony and Erwin Rauch and countries such as United Kingdom, India, Italy, United States and Germany. It is also identified that methodologies that integrate the SMEs, LSS and I4.0 study topics are relevant, but have been little explored, becoming a research opportunity that must be addressed to expand the frontier of knowledge on this topic.
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