The problem of truth and accounting
Critical accounting, Truth, Validity, Representation, Belief, DogmaAbstract
This exploratory article investigates the problem of truth in the fields of culture, science and philosophy, in order to seek answers in the truth - accounting relationship. It explains the meaning of truth in Christianity to understand the relationships of this against the dogmatic doctrines as a corpus from the preconception that accounting can be characterized in this way and in such circumstance the accounting truth is characterized as hope, as trust or justice. Actually the regulation in the world of practical accounting gives a dogmatic character to accounting. The study of truth in philosophy is an investigation on other prospects for its understanding in accounting, which can focus on the history of theories, few but existing in accounting and illuminating in a process of theory building or a review of theories and practices of present that can allow the construction of interpretations that go beyond the field of positivism to address from critical-interpretative alternatives in which is more relevant hermeneutics than epistemology. The problem of truth in science as a feeder perspective of the buiding process is also addressed here. The scenario with more analysis turns out to be that of truth in accounting practices determined in regulations where relations of correspondence, coherence, justification and interest prevail. However, in the truth of accounting practices is still a great debt about the uses and customs that often deviate from regulations.
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