The place of institutions and social choice in a non-transcendental idea of justice
Justice, capacities, Institutions, Social ChoiceAbstract
As a result of the deep contemporary economic and social inequalities, the need to establish moral and political criteria under the ideal of basic social justice becomes imperative. Amartya Sen's evaluation of the most outstanding theory in the ethical-political debate around justice becomes relevant. John Rawls and his proposal on how to order society in Theory of Justice (1971) is almost the benchmark par excellence when it comes to talking about a new sense of justice. One of Sen's criticisms of the Rawlsian proposal is the place that Institutions play in society. Another is his objection to the inadequacy of the criterion of 'rational choice' to create guiding principles of justice. So, the above will be presented as follows. At first, the place and the role of the Institutions is addressed in an evaluative and comparative idea of justice. Secondly, the relevance of the approach of social choice over the theory of rational choice for an unfinished and non-transcendental Justice is established.
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