E. Coli 0157

H7 on carcasses of bovines in beneficiation plant, a biohazard with great impact on public healt


  • Jenifer Carolina Bonivento Calvo Universidad Libre
  • Ailen Molina Castillo Laboratorio Departamental del Atlántico
  • Ronald Maestre Serrano Laboratorio Departamental del Atlántico
  • Aracely García Cuan, MSc. Universidad Libre


E. coli O157:H7, Beneficiation plants, Public health


E. coli O157:H7 bacterium is a risk to public health worldwide, involved in outbreaks of hemorrhagic colitis, some of which include deaths caused by hemolytic uremic syndrome. Cattle are the main reservoir of E. coli. Accord- ing with CONPES 3376 about bovine meat and milk sanitary policy in Colombia, only 1% of all 1311 beneficiation plants in the country meet the sanitary and environmental requirements. The USDA’s Authority to Recall Meat and Poultry Products in USA classifies E. coli O157:H7 as type 1 pathogen, because its presence in raw meat products would cause problems to consumers health. In Colombia, the decree 1500 of 2007 establishes that all beneficiation plants must carry a pathogens control plan based in microbiological risks and supported in risks evaluation.


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How to Cite

E. Coli 0157: H7 on carcasses of bovines in beneficiation plant, a biohazard with great impact on public healt. (2011). Biociencias, 6(2), 53-61. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/biociencias/article/view/2780

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