Implementation of concepts and tools of the Lean Construction philosophy in the construction companies of the City of Cochabamba - Bolivia




Tools, Planning, Productivity, Waste


The objective of this study is to identify the strategies used by the construction companies of the city of Cochabamba-Bolivia in the execution of projects, considering the tools and concepts of Lean Construction. The methodology consisted of a survey of 63 companies in the city of Cochabamba-Bolivia through a questionnaire made up of 44 questions. Four aspects were consulted: a) profile of project managers, b) general company information, c) planning and execution of projects and d) knowledge of the Lean Construction philosophy. The results show that companies recognize the problems in productivity and generation of waste, but do not carry out specific solutions. On the other hand, companies have listened to and even implemented some Lean Construction tools; however, the majority (70%) do not know the philosophy. Although barriers to implementing the philosophy are identified, actions that can collaborate in its application are also highlighted, such as demonstrating results with benefits and training staff


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How to Cite

Implementation of concepts and tools of the Lean Construction philosophy in the construction companies of the City of Cochabamba - Bolivia. (2022). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 19(2 (Julio-Diciembre).

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