Epidemiological diagnostic analysis of the Official Bogota Fire Department





epidemiological analysis, official fire department, Diagnostic


His research article deals with the analysis of the epidemiological diagnosis of the official fire department of the city of Bogotá, since occupational safety and health (SST) is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses the prevention of occupational risks inherent to each activity. One of the professions that presents all kinds of risks and dangers is the profession of firefighter. Specifically, the members of the official fire brigade of the city of Bogotá, since these are in constant exposure to thermal radiation, safety condition hazards, contact with dangerous substances due to activities of control and extinction of structural, forest and vehicular fire, control of incidents of hazardous materials, noise, falls, as well as extensive working hours, this makes the fire department one of the most exposed to accidents and occupational diseases. However, the occupational safety and health management system (SG-SST) designed for the Colombian fire department is structured on the Colombian legal framework for SST that includes the professions in general, this fact is limiting to the At the moment of proposing an SG-SST that responds to the needs of the profession of firefighter, because it lacks specific regulations for this profession. Therefore, in this investigation the characterization of the activities, the schedules and the relation of occurrence between the diseases related to the work and the factors that determine its appearance, from the health report obtained with the occupational examinations made to all personnel of the fire department, in order to determine the possible causes of the diseases they suffer and establish mechanisms that improve the entity's OSH.


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How to Cite

Epidemiological diagnostic analysis of the Official Bogota Fire Department. (2022). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 19(2 (Julio-Diciembre). https://doi.org/10.18041/1794-4953/avances.2.8451

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