Impact of the COVID-19 quarantine on construction companies in Cochabamba, Bolivia
reduction of income, employment, increased costs, Likert scaleAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has led countries to implement biosecurity and quarantine measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19; However, this situation has caused several sectors of the world economy to be in crisis, including construction. In this context, the objective of this article is to determine the impact of the COVID-19 quarantine on construction companies in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The methodology consisted of acquiring data through an online questionnaire from 42 construction companies in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The results show that there is a considerable reduction in income and personnel. The cost of labor increased more than materials, equipment and services. The greatest difficulties presented during the quarantine were: lack of payment by public institutions, limited credits from banks and physical delays in projects. It is necessary that the competent public entities generate policies and strategies to help in the recovery of the construction sector, being one of the most important within the Bolivian and world economy.
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