Evaluation of Flexible Pavement Wears through the Use of Short-Range Photogrammetry
Fotogrametría de corto alcance, deterioro vial, pavimento flexibleAbstract
This research articleanalyzes a new technique called Short Range Photogrammetry (FCA), to estimate the wear of the tread layer of flexible pavement in the Loja Catamayo road, by using a portable camera on a metal structure. The investigation evaluated the profiles of the Digital Elevation Models, in a millimeter way. Hence,with the difference in the profiles of the MDE and RMSE, it was possible to estimate the wear produced in a period not exceeding one month. The results were very encouraging since numerically it was found that the greatest wear occurred in the lane where there is a greater circulation of heavy vehicles. That is why the FCA method is valid to perform a periodic assessment of the condition of the flexible pavement tread.
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