Use of UAV for the Determination of Surface Faults in Flexible Pavements




deterioration, uav, pavement, topography


The objective of this study is to evaluate the surface faults present in a flexible pavement of approximately 500 m  length through the use of UAV and to demonstrate the capacity of the images captured with it. This is an applied technological research and the quantitative approach was usedfor its development  The methodology focused on three stages, planning the study area, data collection and processing, and analysis of results. The sample was random, with 13 types of potholes and fissures. Data were obtained at an elevation of 40 meters high, capturing images every 2 seconds. The processing was done through photogrammetric software based on the SfM (Structure from Motion) algorithm. As a result, it is observed that the difference between measurements ranges from 0.17 to 5 cm. The standard deviation of the set of samples was 2.32 cm. The ability of UAV imaging for surface fault extraction was demonstrated. This system provides precise measurements of deterioration geometry, which  allows the improvement of road condition monitoring.


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Author Biography

  • María Paula Peña Sotomayor, Pexsot Contructores
    civil engineer


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How to Cite

Use of UAV for the Determination of Surface Faults in Flexible Pavements. (2020). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 17(2 (Julio-Diciembre).