Multi-Objective Model for the Selection of Maintenance strategies in Multi-Component Systems: An Application in Electric Power Transmission Lines


  • José Agustín Moronta Ramírez Universidad Simón Bolívar
  • Claudio M. Rocco S. Universidad Central de Venezuela



Insulator chains, Maintenance actions, Multi-component systems, Multi-objective optimization, Systems reliability


A multi-objective model is proposed for defining optimal maintenance strategies, in systems composed of several interconnected elements. The optimal maintenance strategies derived correspond to a set of efficient actions, focused on maximizing the reliability of the system, and minimizing the associated costs. Optimization is carried out by using evolutionary algorithms type NSGA-II. For the evaluation of the system reliability, a procedure based on Monte Carlo simulation is used, which allows analyzing systems with different performance functions and for component configurations different from the classical ones (series, parallel, k-out-of-N). The proposal is applied to assess electrical power system components, specifically the insulator chains of the transmission lines. Several scenarios illustrate the proposed model. The strategies selected by the model prioritize the most important elements based on costs and/or maintenance. These strategies make up an approximate Pareto front, in which the decision-maker can choose the most suitable strategy according to their interests.


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How to Cite

Multi-Objective Model for the Selection of Maintenance strategies in Multi-Component Systems: An Application in Electric Power Transmission Lines. (2021). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 18(1 (Enero-Junio).