Using Tuna (opuntia ficus-indica) as natural coagulant in the clarification of the crudes waters


  • Rafael Enrique Olivero Verbe
  • Yelitza del Rosario Aguas Mendoza
  • Iván Darío Mercado Martínez
  • Diana Paola Casas Camargo
  • Luz Elena Montes Gazabón



Agitation speed, Clarification, Coagulation, Flocculation, Turbidity


In the clarification of the potable water chemicals like aluminum sulphate is use to remove colloidal matter and organic substances, improving the quality of the water. High residual aluminum concentrations in the potable water have implications in the human health, being necessary the alternative coagulants development, environmentally acceptable to replace them. In this investigation the properties that have the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica and alum in the water clarification of the Magdalena River in Magangué, Bolivar province (Colombia), as coagulant were evaluated. Finally, the efficiency that has mucilage extracted of the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica as natural coagulant was shown. In low-turbidity water like this, the agitation speed has an impact on the action clearer because this achieves reach the more dispersed particles increasing the efficiency of the clarification process. 


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How to Cite

Using Tuna (opuntia ficus-indica) as natural coagulant in the clarification of the crudes waters. (2014). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 11(1), 70-75.