Conceptual and basic design of a prototype hybrid solar cell made via dip coating
Dip coating, Nanoparticle/polyion films, P-type polymers and organic molecules, Quantum dots (QDs), SputteringAbstract
This paper presents the conceptual and basic designof a prototype of hybrid solar cell from thirdgeneration(TCO/TiO2/QDs/organic type-p /M),in which quantum dots (QDs) are electron-holepairs photo-generators, p-type material is the holeconductor, and TiO2 is the electron conductor.The transparent conductive oxide (TCO) and theconductor metal (M) are the anode and cathodeelectrodes respectively. The conceptual design wasbased on obtaining a prototype efficient and wasperformed following the steps: selection of theQDs and their chemical synthesis, p-type materialselection, investment costs, and the validation ofthe technique self-assembly layer by layer via dipcoating. Finally, the resulting configuration cell was:FTO/TiO2/CdSe QDs/tetracene-PVK/Au, whereFTO is fluorine doped tin oxide and PVK is poly(9-vinylcarbazole).
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