Adaptation model based on preferences in virtual learning environments for people with special needs
Diversity, adaptation, user profile preferencesAbstract
In education, the integration of people withspecial needs have problems in a student group issometimes difficult because of problems with theuse of technological tools, as most of them donot consider features and needs. Also social andcommunication difficulties and limited interestin the students could be a result of the existenceany difficulty or disability. This paper presents anadaptive model that seeks to integrate adaptationfeatures of disability and educational factors in orderto introduce the student services (present topic,select learning objects more adjusted to your needsand learning style) that will facilitate their learningprocess, allowing the course to be designed is madeto measure. This adaptation model consists of thestudent profile (centered on your preferences), thedisability, the device, and pedagogical context, whichallow to adapt the deployment of information in avirtual learning environment for people with andwithout special needs. Finally, we present a casestudy that illustrates the use of this model in thecase of students with visual impairments.
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