Development and Implementation of Virtual Learning Objects at Teaching Industrial Design


  • Miguel Fernando Gónzalez Arana Universidad Nacional
  • Boris Alejandro Villamil Ramírez Universidad Nacional


Information technologies and communication, Learning Objects, Diseño Industrial Design, e-Learning


This document is the result of applied researchin the subject “Project Methodology”, whichis part of the undergraduate IndustrialDesign, featured in the Universidad Nacionalde Colombia at Palmira, selected as a pilotfor the implementation of new instructionalstrategies supported by Information Technologycommunication, teaching of subjects with highpractical component in Design projective type,with the aim of generating new didactic andpedagogical alternatives applied in practical andtheoretical issues that facilitate, through thedevelopment and use of Learning Objects inVirtual Learning Environments that enable theempowerment of face class time and expertise inthe formation of industrial design, while offeringalternatives for students not attending in personwill provide them (specifically the Palmira city,40% of students are nearby municipalities whichincreases the cost of education for transport).


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1. La Cruz, W. y Casariego, Eli (2007). “Lasherramientas tecnológicas en la enseñanza deldiseño industrial”, Revista Telematique.

2. Duque, N. (2011). “Objetos de Aprendizaje,Repositorios y Federaciones de Repositorios deOA”. En: Seminario Docencia y TIC en Procesos deEducación Superior, Bogotá, 28 y 29 de julio de 2011,Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

3. Ovalle, M. (2005) “Constructivismo en lapedagogía del diseño industrial: ¿Qué aprenden losalumnos?”, Revista de Estudios Sociales, Universidadde los Andes, agosto de 2005.

4. Martin, I; Aperribay, V.; Garmendia, M.; Pérez,A.; Albisua, J y San Martin, J. (2006). “Innovación enel proceso metodológico en la docencia del diseñoindustrial como respuesta al nuevo espacio europeode educación superior mediante la aplicación detecnología Moodle”, Revista de Estudios Sociales,Universidad del País Vasco.

5. IEEE - Learning Technology Standards Committee(2002). Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata.IEEE Standard 1484.12.1, New York: Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers (PDF).




How to Cite

Development and Implementation of Virtual Learning Objects at Teaching Industrial Design. (2012). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 9(1), 87-93.