Educational content adaptation in virtual courses using a fuzzy inference system with emphasis on student’s cognitive characteristics


  • Francisco Javier Arias Sánchez, Msc. Universidad Nacional
  • Julián Moreno Cadavid, Msc, PhD Universidad Nacional
  • Demetrio Arturo Ovalle Carranza Universidad Nacional


Fuzzy inference systems, adaptive virtual courses, student’s cognitive characteristics, FSLSM & RCMT tests


One of the main desirable characteristics ofvirtual courses is to allow students for havingacustomized teaching/learning experience basedon adaptive mechanisms. This article specificallyfocus on the adaptation of educational contentand more specifically in the selection of learningobjects with emphasis on the followingstudents’cognitive characteristics: their learning stylesand their dominant brain hemispheres. In orderto carryout such a process we propose a fuzzyinference system based on FSLSM (Felder andSilverman Learning Style Model) and TQDT(Triadic Quotient Detector Test) tests that areused as mechanisms for measuring the students’cognitive characteristics.


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How to Cite

Educational content adaptation in virtual courses using a fuzzy inference system with emphasis on student’s cognitive characteristics. (2013). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 9(1), 59-65.