Caracterización del Aluminio 5083 H116 soldado con el Proceso GMAW Pulsado


  • Alfredo Morales Universidad Nacional
  • Robert Muñoz Universidad Nacional
  • Alfonso Patarroyo SENA
  • Fernando Rojas Universidad Libre
  • Diana Aragón Universidad Libre


Weldability, GMAW Pulsed, HAZ, Discontinuities, Aluminum 5083 H116


This research was based on the analysis of theweldability of aluminum joints 5083 H116, with fillerAWS 5.10 ER 5183 by GMAW PULSED process todetermine the conditions of the heat-affected zonein the base material, depending on the heat inputfor the process with different technologies availablein Colombia. The variables considered within thisstudy were: welding positions (horizontal), type ofwelded joints (butt and fillet), and parameters forwelding equipment (voltage, current, speed, powersupply, speed development), and protective gas used(Argon, 100%). Non-destructive and destructivetesting techniques were used to characterize thediscontinuities found and the criteria to acceptthe AWS D1.2 code (STRUCTURAL WELDINGCODE-ALUMINUM by the AMERICAN WELDINGSOCIETY). As a result, the investigation yielded theconditions for the application of filler material (ER5183) on base material (5083 H116), supportedby Welding Procedure Specifications Documents(WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record(PQR) to implement in aluminum welding at theCOTECMAR shipyard.


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How to Cite

Caracterización del Aluminio 5083 H116 soldado con el Proceso GMAW Pulsado. (2012). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 9(1), 14-24.