A multi-tier model for the rehabilitation of urban drainage systems

multiobjective optimization and paralel computing


  • W. Barreto Universidad CentroOccidental
  • Y. García Orellona Universidad CentroOccidental


Urban drainage, multi-objective optimization, parallel computing


This paper presents the development of a parallelmulti-tier approach to address the problem of optimisingthe Rehabilitation of Urban Drainage Systems(UDS). A parallel multi-objective GA-based algorithmhas been developed to deal with problems thatare expensive in computational time. The problemis posed as a constrained optimization problem (dueto limited resources) in a multi-criteria context (dueto many stakeholders with conflicting interests). A“multi-tier” approach is introduced, where differenttiers correspond to different dimensions (or sub-problems)of the whole problem. An evaluation of theperformance time is carried out based on the numbercomputer of processors. The first results show apromising and cheap solution for “expensive tasks”like urban drainage optimization in the multi-criteriacontext, it was possible to reduce the total runningtime from 12.8 to 4.8 hours for the test problem.


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How to Cite

A multi-tier model for the rehabilitation of urban drainage systems: multiobjective optimization and paralel computing. (2012). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 9(2), 44-52. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/avances/article/view/2716