Estudio del comportamiento térmico de un micromanipulador de partículas biológicas
Electrothermal modeling, dielectrophoresis, biochipsAbstract
The growing interest of microbiology researchersin order to dispose of methods to characterizeand manipulate bioparticles, has improved thedesign and fabrication of micro tools in semiconductortechnologies, based on the interaction betweenneutral particles and non-uniform electricfields, phenomenon called dielectrophoresis. Beforeof using the microstructures with bioparticlesin their original culture media of high conductivity,the microsystem response due to the electricalcurrent flowing between the electrodes must beknown. The aim of this work is the modeling of afour-meandering electrode microstructure devisedto travelling-wave dielectrophoresis applications.Due to the problem characteristics, a direct coupledelectro-thermic analysis must be performed.Aluminum microelectrodes of 5 mm in width andseparation were grown on a SiO2 substrate and correspondto the metal layer of the CMOS processcarried out at the Microelectronics National Centerin Barcelona, Spain.
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