Influencia de los parámetros de diseño en el espacio de trabajo de un mecanismo paralelo planar 3RRR
Parallel mechanism, workspace, robotics, parallel robotsAbstract
The process for the qualitative analysis of thedexterity distribution within 3RRR parallelmanipulator is described. Inverse kinematics,Jacobian matrix, and dexterity concept are usedfor to make a MATLAB tool and to make themovement and workspace of the platform easierto display. The computational tool was usedto see the workspace behavior when the designparameters are modified. The goal is to help tounderstand the conceptual design and to generatecriterion for the development of a mathematictool to optimize the mechanisms.
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2. G. Yang and W.C.I.-ming Chen, “A GeometricalMethod for the Singularity Analysis of 3-RRRPlanar Parallel Robots with Different ActuationSchemes,” Analysis, 2002, pp. 2055-2060.
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6. C.L. Collins, “Forward kinematics of planarparallel manipulators in the Clifford algebra of P2,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 37, 2002,pp. 799-813.
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8. Z. Ji, “Study of planar three-degreeof-freedom 2-RRR parallel manipulators,”Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 38, May.2003, pp. 409-416.
9. C.A. Jara, J.M. Sabater, J.M. Azorín, N.M. García,C. Pérez, R. Saltaren, and E. Yime, “Análisis delespacio de trabajo de un robot paralelo 3RRR,”
10. H. Mohammadi Daniali, P. Zsombor-Murray,and J. Angeles, “Singularity analysis of planarparallel manipulators,” Mechanism and MachineTheory, vol. 30, 1995, p. 665–678.
How to Cite
Influencia de los parámetros de diseño en el espacio de trabajo de un mecanismo paralelo planar 3RRR. (2011). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 8(2), 49-57.