Hall effect and electrical resistivity of ZnO thin films deposited by reactive evaporation
ZnO, thin films, reactive evaporation, Hall effect, electrical resistivityAbstract
In this work, results about theconcerning of themost influential parameter on the figure of meritof ZnO thin films deposited by the reactiveevaporation method are showed. This parameter isthe content of oxygen in the preparation chamber.It was established that the best figure of meritdefined in terms resistivity and the transmittance,is achieved for oxygen contents corresponding to apartial pressure of around 0.3 mbar. This samplespresent simultaneously high transmission (>80%)and high conductivity (>103 (Ωcm)–1), which makethem adequate for being used as transparent electriccontact in thin film solar cells. Special emphasiswas devoted to the determination of the electricalresistivity and carrier density by van der Pauw method.
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