Retos y perspectivas para la aplicación de la evaluación ambiental estratégica en el sexto de infraestructura del transporte Colombiano


  • Gilberto Vallejo Moreno Universidad Libre


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic Environmental Dimension-SED, environmental governance, models (types) Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA,, Sustainable Development – DS, Policies, Plans and Programs -PPP


The overall objective of the research was to formulate andits overall of a proposed general framework, as well as abroad-based environmental management, so that thesector interest in perspective SEA implements the stateof their policies, plans, programs and projects and theprinciples of Sustainable Development. Finally, within theframework of integrated environmental management,the research proposes, in a second delivery, twoinitiatives for the implementation of SEA: a short-term (expost), which apply to projects (or programs for low-level),and the other half - long-term ex ante for theimplementation of policies, plans and programs - PPPsector, both based on the "strategic environment".To the results indicated that the main obstacles to theimplementation ex - ante SEA in the country and morespecifically in the area of interest, some are located in thesame issue of the international field: i) a lack of politicalwill (for to enact such a policy of transport), ii) theshortcomings they perceive in the environmentalinformation system and the organizational structure ofenvironmental management sector. And the relativeimportance of the award of infrastructure and itssignificance in making Decisions; the plans for theimprovement of transport infrastructure are alreadymade, primarily of short-term, and the current policy ofgovernment, "democratic security", one of whose aims isthe commitment - to through "community councils" - toimprove infrastructure - especially roads - the mostsensitive regions, making it difficult to infrastructureplanning and therefore its conduction through SEA.


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How to Cite

Retos y perspectivas para la aplicación de la evaluación ambiental estratégica en el sexto de infraestructura del transporte Colombiano. (2009). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(11), 89-102.