Estudio comparativo de las herramientas empleadas para el diseño de procesos
Processing design, Metamodel, Software toolsAbstract
This article shows a comparative study of the tools usedto process modeling, taking into account its mainfeatures and benefits that will help establish which ofthese has a better performance and provides greaterbenefits when using them.This work is part of research proyect "metamodel forcalculation effort in the software development" that willbe the middle appropriate according to the relevantcharacteristics thatdetermines the study.
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GARCÍA, Iván, GÓMEZ Jorge y PAVÓN Juan. Representación de las Relaciones en los Metamodelos con el LenguajeEcore. Madrid, España : s.n.
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C o r e l C o r p o r a t i o n . 2 0 0 9 . i G r a f x . [ E n l í n e a ] 2 0 0 9 . [ C i t a d o e l : 0 5 d e J u l i o d e 2 0 0 9 . ]
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How to Cite
Estudio comparativo de las herramientas empleadas para el diseño de procesos. (2009). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(11), 24-39.