Comparación de las emisiones de gases vehiculares para dos tipos de combustible en Cali-Colombia


  • Luis Granada Universidad Libre
  • Boris Cabrera Universidad Libre


E-10, Convetional Petrol, Vehicle Gas Emission, Air pollution, AVC


The gas emission of the turism vehicles that assisted toTechnical Mechanical and Gas Revisions during 2004,2005 and 2006 in Cali, Colombia was ompared. Theobjetive was to determine if the idle gas emission of theturism vehicles decreased because of the use ofConventional Petrol mixed with 10% of CarburantAlcohol (E-10) as combustible. The metodology wasdevelopment based on ISO 14040 Duty Cicle Analysis. Inorder to make the comparison, the software PCA 1.0 wasused. It allows consulting some data about thepercentage of emission considering the kind of pollutingagent. The values of the emissions of the Hydrocarbonof E-10 are higher in percentage than the emission ofConventional Petrols. Concerning with Monoxide ofCarbon, the emissions of the combustibles behave in avery similar way. In the case of the Dioxide of Carbon, theemissions of vehicles during 2005, mainly didn't observethe regulation; that situation was improved using E-10.Dodge is the brand that emittes the most gas in bothcombustibles and those emit E-10 the most are Fiat andDacia. It was oncluded that the emissions of the idle E-10 not reduce to a great extent in order to affirm that theE-10 be a green combustible and the solution to educethe injury of the air quality in the urban ecosystemsproduced for the use.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Granada, Universidad Libre


  • Boris Cabrera, Universidad Libre



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How to Cite

Comparación de las emisiones de gases vehiculares para dos tipos de combustible en Cali-Colombia. (2009). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(11), 06-11.