Construction of a continous stochastic process to simulate motion media flow in Fonce river (San Gil - Santander)


  • María Esther Rivera Esther Rivera Universidad de Pamplona
  • Javier Adrian Correa Herrera Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Albert Avendaño Barrera Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Hebert Gonzalo Rivera Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Jorge Brandon Fuentes Bacca Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



Event, sigma algebra, random function, stochastic process


This research aims to construct a stochastic process in terms of the axiomatic of Kolmogorov. For this purpose, this work uses multiyear monthly average values of flow of river Fonce, which were taken in the IDEAM hydrological station located in San Gil (Santander). Initially the data of monthly mean values of river flows were compiled, then the sample spaces, events, sigma algebras, random variables (total 12, one per month), the probability spaces were defined, and finally the stochastic process. This work leads to the conclusion that it is possible and feasible to build a continuous stochastic process in the monthly average values of Fonce River. This will lead to raise new stochastic interpretations to model the dynamics of the average flow of the river Fonce, in which it could be possible to apply the theory of stochastic differential equations and Fokker-Planck equation or forward Kolmogorov equation. The work was developed under the research project 1770 ING UMNG 2015, with funding of the Investigation´s office and together with the University of Pamplona.


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How to Cite

Construction of a continous stochastic process to simulate motion media flow in Fonce river (San Gil - Santander). (2015). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 12(1).

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