Arquitectura de Software orientada a la creación de mricomundos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje
Architectures of software, Framework, components, microworlds., Racional Unified Process, modulesAbstract
W hen lnitialing the pro¡ect of the creation of a"Arc hltecture of software oriented to the microwo rldcreation for education and the le arnmg· . thoughtabout designing a new arch1tecture of software.taking as it bases a software pattern so that itserves like model in the creation of the differentdevelopments from m1croworld software in theprogram of engineering of systems of the UniversityLibre - Secciona! Bogota.A software architecture consists of the structure andbehavior that must have from the smallest programto greatest this also contributes to its classification;therefore it becomes the study of systems alreadyimplemented as well as the development of newpo ssible. is when the sub ject is the different levelsfrom abstraction of the function ality of the systems.which are associate with different aspects andcomponents from his .. architecture of software".
PHILIPPE, Kruchten. "Arch1tectural Blueprints-The "4+1- View Model of Software Architecture·', RationalSoftware Corp.
Maria A. Merldoza Sánchez, "Metodologías De DesarrOllo De Software-. Consultada Febrero de 2008. http://www.1nformat1zate.neVarticulos/metodolog1as_de_desarrollo_de_software_07062004.html
Componentes de software:
Componentes de software: /26/componentes-de-software/
Patrones de diseño: http:/ /