Aplicación de pareto y métodos estadísticos al sistema de gestión de calidad en Pastas Doria


  • Gerardo Ardila Duarte Universidad Libre
  • José Ricardo Valderrama Universidad Libre
  • Jonathan Pinzón Universidad Libre


TPM, Matrice QA


The investigation Group, worked during 2006'ssecond semester and 2007, looking toguarantee to quahty at the System of Quality inDoria Company. The students have received acertificated of congratulation from the Company,because using their knowledge and working withinvestigation group, they resolved this problem inDoria Company. The investigation group applyingstatistics methods, Pareto diagrams and dataanalysis proposed changes over data receptionformats and achieved to determine the causes ofmaterial lost in the wrapper of the Doria products.In addition there proposed are methods for thecornpany to accornplish this goal.


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How to Cite

Aplicación de pareto y métodos estadísticos al sistema de gestión de calidad en Pastas Doria. (2008). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 1(8), 72-82. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/avances/article/view/2634