Effect of Bismuth on electrical properties of SnS thin films prepared by sulphurization
SnS, electrical properties, thin filmsAbstract
In this work we present results concerning the effectof the Bi concentration on the electrical propertiesof SnS:Bi thin films deposited by sulphurizationof the metallic precursor in a two step process. Itwas found that the incorporation of Bi in the SnSlattice, significantly affect the electric conductivity.On the other hand, s vsT measurements, carriedout at temperatures ranging from 100 to 450 K,indicatde that the dominant transport mechanismosis the transport of termically activates carrier, inextended states of the conduction band. It was alsofound that at Bi concentration greater than 75%,gives raise to a change of the p conductivity to nconductivity in the SnS:Bi samples.
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