Logistics system modeling production chain of potato using dynamic systems


  • Jeimy Lorena García Ramírez Libre University
  • Francis Catalina Romero Sánchez Libre University
  • Oscar Mayorga Torres Libre University




Supply Chain Management, dynamic systems, modeling, Perishable, Productivity and Logistics System


The Potato production chain is one of the most representative of perishable products grown, traded and consumed in Colombia, this great production has generated that actors involved in the chain are associated under working arrangements that do not have an organized and efficient management, generating high operating costs, low product quality and high prices in the consumer. This job shows the modeling of the logistics system of the potato production chain using dynamic systems; whose objective was to explain the behavior of the product at different stages of the chain (production, transportation, processing and marketing) to further develop policies (scenarios) from available resources (supply) and requirements (demand) seeking to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the chain from the perspective of the conveyor (under study).


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How to Cite

Logistics system modeling production chain of potato using dynamic systems. (2014). Avances: Investigación En Ingeniería, 11(2), 86-93. https://doi.org/10.18041/1794-4953/avances.2.219