Gauge and distributor of circular orifice flow in water treatment
Discharge coefficient, flow distribution and dispersion, hydraulic loadAbstract
The measurement and distribution of flow less than 100 ml/s is hindered by the small dimensions involved in building the unit and guaranteeing uniformity, a situation present in pilot or scale systems. The objective was to determine the precision in the measurement of flow through a circular orifice as an alternative for water purification and treatment systems. Tests were carried out with free-flowing circular holes built in pipes measuring volumetric flow and hydraulic load with piezometer. The equation obtained by multiple linear regression to calculate the output flow through the orifice has a correlation of one and an average precision of 97.1% with standard deviation of 2.1 and for the case of discharge from a tank the precision is of 96.4% and deviation of the 1.8. The equations obtained to predict the flow rate with respect to the hydraulic load and the diameter of the hole, it is possible to measure the flow with a precision higher than 95% for flow rates lower than 135ml/s making the article a tool for the design of hydraulic measuring devices and distribution of flow.
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