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Methodological Network of Trustfulness (MNT)




Network, methodological, trust, dimensions, variables, items, model


This  article  presents  the  concepts  related  to  the  “trust”  construct  and  its  importance  to  unite  the  necessary efforts to obtain organizational objectives, mainly when it comes to the relationship between senior management and their immediate collaborators. To conceptualize trust between managers and collaborators, an investigation was carried out between 2017 and 2018 in 224 medium-sized companies located  in  Bogotá,  D.C.  -  Colombia,  which  allowed  the  construction  and  formulation  of  the  “Methodological Network of Trust (MNT)”, in which the “dimensions, variables and items” that show the level of trust relationships between them (bosses and collaborators) are characterized in an organization. From the total of the medium-sized companies listed in the database of the year 2017 of the superintendency of companies, “an intentionally simple random sampling with distribution according to size was carried out,  where  the  elements  of  the  sample  (companies)  were  selected  randomly”  (Lozano-Correa,  2021,  p.84). To compile the information in the companies “a fieldwork was carried out that consisted of the application of the prospective methodology of MIC-MAC (Cross Impacts Matrix Multiplication Applied to a Classification)” (Pérez-Uribe and Vargas, 2016). A factorial analysis was made with the data obtained and to study their relationship, we worked with the multivariate analysis of multiple regression with the statistical package “StatGraphics Centurion”, “with which multiple measures of each item submitted to the  investigation  were  analyzed  simultaneously”  (Lozano-Correa,  2021,  pp.  83  and  84).  Three  hypotheses were worked on, of which two of them were verified. All this work allowed the researchers who are the authors of this article to propose a model to measure trust and its components, which facilitates the analysis  of  the  level  at  which  the  dimensions,  variables,  and  items  are  found  in  an  organization,  with  which it is possible to formulate a strengthening plan to lead the organization to execute the best actions for managing the constructs of the Methodological Network of Trustfulness (MNT).


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Author Biographies

  • Luz Janeth Lozano Correa, Universidad Santo Tomas

    Doctor in Business Administration, master’s in organizational management, Specialization in Human Resources Management, Psychologist. E-mail: - CvLAC: - Orcid: - Google Scholar: en/citations?user=JAg3i00AAAAJ&hl=en

  • Rafael Ignacio Pérez Uribe, Universidad Santo Tomas

    Doctor in business sciences, master’s in advanced studies (DEA), master in organization management, a specialist in evaluation and construction of management indicators, business administrator, economist. Email: - CvLAC: – Google Scholar: - Orcid:

  • Nelson Andrés Andrade Valbuena, Universidad de Chile

    Doctor of Business Administration, EMBA, and Business Administrator. Academic Catholic University of the Holy Conception. Postgraduate and undergraduate teacher in the areas of innovation management, marketing, and market research. Researcher and consultant in the public and private sectors, with experience in the areas of strategic management, innovation, entrepreneurship and regional competitiveness. Associate Editor of the academic journal Estudios de Administración, published by the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Chile. Email: ORCID:; CvLAC:;  Google scholar:


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