Enfoque Cluster: Una Herramienta de Emergencia y Vínculo para el Desarrollo
Humanitarian Action, Cluster Approach, VARD Approach (Linking Aid, Rehabilitation and Development), Reform of Humanitarian AidAbstract
The article focuses on the impact upon the mechanisms of coordination of humanitarian action by the introduction of the Cluster Approach as the central point of analysis and tool of leadership and coordination during the most recent reform of humanitarian aid. The purpose of this article is to analyze the actual situation, to research the problems of adjustment among the mechanisms of coordination, and to devize some means of readjustment through proposing a connection between the Cluster Approach and the VARD Approach. Hence, this research is framed within the current humanitarian reform process; it utilizes the aforementioned approaches as a central means of analysis and posits a need to align the VARD Approach with the Cluster Approach. The article proposes that this innovative combination enables the Cluster Approach to be used as a tool that facilitates the transition from the emergency phase to that of development and improvement whereby humanitarian action can better contribute to the development of the community.
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