acoso moral o psicológico en el trabajo
Mobbing, bullying, liability, damage, employer, employee, employed, harrassmentAbstract
The mobbing has been considered as the new organizational epidemic of the XXI century, given the enormous suffering caused to people who suffer it and the loss of potential competitiveness of the organizations in which it occurs, thus becoming, in one of the most important aspects of the modern civil liability law in the workplace. While mobbing, also called aggression, violence or bullying is not a new situation, the novelty, what has changed is the social sensitivity to this type of behavior which has been increasing in parallel with the development of social rights. Thus, the great merit that it should be recognized to mobbing is to have removed the veil to the work world, in the sense of being allowed to observe, from another perspective, these personal relationships at the workplace, primarily through the growing awareness of how those discriminatory and aggressive behaviors have a destructive and devastating capability to the employee-victim. This paper, motivated by the few studies in this area in Colombia, aims to look at the conceptualization of the phenomenon from the developments reached in comparative law, especially in continental European law.
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