Exhaustion of the unconstitutionality action to access the Inter-american System of Human Rights Protection
Action of Incostitutionality, Effectiveness, Internal Resource, Inter-American Commission, Inter-American Court, Prior depletion, SuitabilityAbstract
The investigation’s objective of this paper is to determine if the Action of Unconstitutionality it is of those resources of internal jurisdiction that must run out previously to resort to the InterAmerican Protection System, for which reason: (i) the reports are analyze and the jurisprudence emanated by the InterAmerican body of Human Rights in conjunction with the rules and subrules from the previous depletion of the intenal resources. (ii) it is enquire under what tactical and legal budget the Intermanerican body of Human Rights determine the conditions which they accomplish the resources for the previous depletion. (iii) it is analyze and subtract rules and subrules the InterAmerican System has created with respect to the previous depletion of the internal jurisction resources.
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