Self-determination and human dignity within sex wor


  • Rodrigo de Jesús Álvarez Malaver Universidad Libre



Human dignity, sex work, morality, ethics


This short essay aims to eliminate taboos and preconceptions around sex work, taboos that have stigmatized all sex workers, providing a condemnatory vision of their profession within a concept of incomprehension, defeatism and marginality being the most condemnable and painful in in many cases, social, political, ethical, and economic criticism for developing an activity marked by a vacuous canonical and theocratic morality within the order of a social state of law. Showing the true character of one of the main virtues of humanity such as morality and ethics, being a set of the scale of human dignity and as a principle of a society, to begin with, it is more than a utopian dream, a pyrrhic battle. Within the thought of a philosopher, I will take as a point of reference Ronald Dworkin trying to match his concept of human dignity with the sexual work. 


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Author Biography

  • Rodrigo de Jesús Álvarez Malaver, Universidad Libre

    Abogado Especialista en Derecho Canónico Pontificia Universidad Javeriana / Especialista en Derecho de Familia. / Escrito presentado para optar al título de Especialista en Filosofía del Derecho y Teoría Jurídica Universidad Libre. 


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