Micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities in oral mucosal cells as biomarkers of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in personnel exposed to anesthetic gases


  • Olivia Torres Bugarín Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara
  • Maria L. Ramos Ibarra Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara
  • Catherine S. Carrillo Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara
  • José L. Zavala-Aguirre Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara




Anesthetic gas, genotoxicity, cytotoxicity, micronuclei, nuclear abnormalities


Associated damage to health during occupational exposition is a controvert issue. It has been reported either reproductive toxicity, affections to organs, cancer and genotoxicity.

Objective: To evaluate micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities frequencies at epithelial mouth cells from people exposed to anesthetic gasses as genotoxicity and cytotoxicity markers.

Methodology: We gathered a total of 164 epithelial mouth samples from 81 anesthesiologists from different Mexican Health clinics across, 43 health people not exposed and with no addictions and 40 patients receiving antineoplastic drugs. The survey included questions related with habits, work location and schedules and general data that could be related with results. Epithelial cell smears were obtained with gentle scraping, dried and fixed with 80% ethylic alcohol and stained with orcein and fast green. We analyzed 2,000 cells from each sample under microscope (100x) and counted for Micronucleated cells (CMN) and Nuclear abnormalities (AN) [Binucleated (CBN), Lobulated nucleus (NL), Karyorrhexis (CR), condensed chromatin (CC), Pyknosis (PN) and Karyolysis (CL)].

Results: Counts from anesthesiologists MN were statistically higher than not exposed [2.8(1.9)/ 0.7(0.7)/ 1,000 cells, (p: <0.001)]. No matter of exposition time, age or sex, 86% of the anesthesiologists presented micronucleus genotoxicity and the complement presented cytotoxicity.

Conclusions: Occupational exposition to anesthetic gases at Mexican health clinics system induces genotoxic and cytotoxic damage been evident by the MN and AN count at mouth epithelial cells. We highly recommend increasing security measures.


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How to Cite

Bugarín, O. T., Ramos Ibarra, M. L., Carrillo Gómez, C. S., & Zavala-Aguirre, J. L. (2021). Micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities in oral mucosal cells as biomarkers of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in personnel exposed to anesthetic gases. Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 6(1), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.18041/2322-634X/rcso.1.2016.4877