The entrepreneurial spirit of the enterprising student of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Palmira




Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial spirit, Managerial spirit


Introduction: the problem of characterizing the entrepreneurs who study in the undergraduate programs of the University and participate in the Center for Entrepreneurial Development - CDE was considered. Personal and managerial variables of this sample of entrepreneurs were studied. Objective: To characterize the entrepreneurs who study in the undergraduate programs of the University and participate in the CDE, and as specific objectives to establish associations between some variables that are part of the characterization of the student entrepreneur. Methodology: We worked with a population of 52 entrepreneurs participating in the CDE activities, a sample of 42 entrepreneurs was determined, simple random sampling, frequencies, contingency tables and correlations were calculated. Descriptive, mixed, correlational study, was conducted in 2019, data were processed in SPSS. Results: The study showed that the student entrepreneurs participating in the UPB CDE, for the most part, are men studying Business Administration, 20 to 29 years old, single, strata 2 and 3, leaders, innovative, proactive, competitive, open to business, persuasive, sociable, optimistic, cautious. They have limitations in handling a second language, lack of knowledge of international legislation. Conclusions: It is necessary to promote more entrepreneurship with a feminine, technological and scientific vision, to know how to face risk, resilience to overcome crises and economic bankruptcies, to develop export products with the specialized assistance of the CDE, to develop skills and knowledge of communications and information technology.


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Author Biographies

  • Henry Hurtado-Bolaños, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana -UPB - de Palmira.

    Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, Business Administrator, Specialist in Health Administration, Master's Degree in Administration. Organizational Studies Research Group of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana -UPB- of Palmira.

  • Julio Cesar Montoya-Rendón, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD, Palmira

    Business Administrator, Specialist in Pedagogy for the Development of Autonomous Learning, MBA. Ilama Research Group of the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

The entrepreneurial spirit of the enterprising student of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Palmira. (2022). LIBRE EMPRESA, 19(1), 83-96.