National tax benefits applied by smes in the department of Quindío between taxable years 2015 -2020




Tax benefits, SMEs, Taxes, Business Organization , Department of Quindío


This research article identifies national tax benefits, among which are income not constituting income or occasional profit, deductions, exempt income, tax discounts and reduced rates, among others; SMEs are classified according to economic activities and the rules that regulate them; and finally; The implementation of national tax benefits applied to SMEs in the department of Quindío is analyzed. The research is carried out under the descriptive method using a mixed approach, considering a qualitative part since there is a conceptual, theoretical and documentary reference; and another quantitative part, due to the use of statistical methods and data tabulation for the presentation of the results, in addition, a survey structured by sections according to the type of tax benefit is used as an instrument for collecting the information. The results indicate that there are several tax benefits that SMEs in the department of Quindío do not use, either due to ignorance or because they do not meet the requirements to access them. In addition, it is evidenced that entrepreneurs use the most well-known tax benefits, such as those granted in the simple tax regime, considering that it allows them to reduce the payment of taxes and generate savings to invest, hire more employees and grow in the market.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Gladys Torres-Castaño, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia - Colombia

    Magister en Gestión Empresarial, Univesidad Libre de Cali. Especialista en Gestión Tributaria y Aduanera, Universidad Libre de Pereira. Especialista en Pedagogía y Docencia Universitaria, Universidad la Gran Colombia, Armenia. Contador Público Universidad del Quindío. Docente de palnta de la Universidad del Quindío.

    Integrante  del grupo de investigación de Derecho Tributario Comparado y Desarrollo Empresarial de la Universidad del Quindío - GEDUQ. Coordinadora de los NAF -  convenio DIAN seccional Armenia  y Universidad del Quindío. Armenia - Colombia.

  • Constanza Loreth Fajardo-Calderón, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia - Colombia

    Doctorando en Administración de Negocios Universidad AIU – USA. Magister en Educación– Docencia, Magister en Ciencias Financieras y de Sistemas. Especialista en Ciencias Tributarias, Especialista en Control Fiscal para entidades Públicas, Contador Público. Docente de planta de la Universidad el Quindío. Lider  del grupo de investigación de Derecho Tributario Comparado y Desarrollo Empresarial de la Universidad del Quindío – GEDUQ Armenia - Colombia


  • Johanna Marcela Alzate-Palacio, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia - Colombia

    Docente catedrático, Universidad del Quindio - Armenia - Colombia



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Research Articles

How to Cite

National tax benefits applied by smes in the department of Quindío between taxable years 2015 -2020. (2021). LIBRE EMPRESA, 18(1), 29-59.