Innovative strategies used by industrial SMEs in District 14 in Medellín in 2013


  • Juan Esteban Vahos Correa Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
  • Henry Hurtado Bolaños Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


The globalized world is in need of highly innovative companies that generate an added value. When it comes to the potential for exportation, Colombian SMEs should seek a differentiating factor that increases competitiveness and generates growth not only for these kinds of companies, but also for this country. How can SMEs bring about an increase in the value of their goods and services? How can value-knowledge be incorporated to throughout an organization? This article is an attempt to introduce some useful concepts aiming at providing a better understanding of the complex reality of small and medium-sized businesses in today’s market.


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4. Hamel G., (2000) Liderando la revolución. Trad. Jorge Cárdenas, ed. Norma S.A., Bogotá.

5. Handscombe, R.S. y Norman, P.A. Liderazgo estratégico. Serie McGraw/Hill de Management. Trad, Michel Angstadt. Madrid, McGraw/Hill Interamericana de España, 1993.

6. Handscombe, R.S. y Norman P.A., (1993) Liderazgo estratégico. Trad. Michel Angstadt, McGraw- Hill, Madrid.

7. María y Campos M., (1993) Hacia un desarrollo de las micro y pequeñas industrias compatible con el cuidado del ambiente. En: Comercio Exterior, Junio, México p 517.

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How to Cite

Innovative strategies used by industrial SMEs in District 14 in Medellín in 2013. (2013). LIBRE EMPRESA, 10(1), 93-104.