Key competencies for success. For the outstanding performance of operations personnel of the ethanol production facilities at Ingenio Providencia S.A. sugar mill
Competence, human talent, performanceAbstract
This research contribute to do a best management in the human resources area of the Ingenio Providencia S.A., with the identification of key competences that contribute to the best performance of the operative workers that work in the Ethanol plant. With this purpose, the research study the notion of competences from different aspects, concluding that the behaviorist model of David McClelland applied in the labor and organizational psychology is the most pertinent because is based on the identification of success key competences for the best development of the worker in his/her occupation. This model is accepted for all organizations in its human area that are occupy in the development of people on job. From a total of 20 workers of the distillery of Ingenio Providencia S.A., applied six focal interview, three of them of top development and the other three of average development. The questionary asks about the objectives, team management, personal management, influence, knowledge, development competence, occupational security and environment protection. Later, the data were tabulated and compare the results, explaining the different between both groups as the success competences key. The aim found that the workers knows and executes his/her technical labor with excellence and the factors that gave the difference of the top development was the fault of theory of the profession or office, the capability to identify opportunities, approach and step on obstacles, capacity to verify its own labors, capacity of optimize the time in the functions and capacitive to communicate with precision.
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