A methodology to assess the impact of outsourcing IT services in an organization
Outsourcing, universes, variables, indicators, information technologiesAbstract
This paper presents a model that makes it possible for organizations to make strategic decisions regarding the viability of outsourcing IT services. A research study was conducted of international factors that have an impact on the success of outsourcing information technology (IT) processes and services with a view to designing a tool that can be used for assessing the level of maturity of organizations and vendors who provide these kinds of services. A set of strategic variables to successful outsourcing was obtained from a review of bibliographic sources and from an alignment of the proposed model with international standards (CMMI ACQ v1.3, COBIT 4.1, ISO 27002 and ITIL V3) and frameworks used in technological processes. After consolidation, the variables were grouped according to three important organizational criteria, and indicators were established that allowed for an assessment of the level of maturity of these factors. This tool makes it possible to carry out two different kinds of assessments (one at the beginning and another at the end of its application) that will produce evidence of the level of compliance and progress on the part of organizations and vendors, with factors that truly reflect a suitable level of maturity for outsourcing purposes.
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