El perfil socioeconómico del estudiante que ingresa a la Universidad Libre – Seccional Cali
Socioeconomic profile, biographical, socioeconomic and academic variables, master education, academic programs, student, Systems of Geographical Information SIGAbstract
The knowledge of the client/user/student, is the starting point of all organization directed to satisfy the necessities of a group of people; while it doesn’t happen, it is practically impossible to design products or services that respond appropriately to the expectations of the consumers. In the specific case of the Libre University of Cali which is a company of knowledge, to know the characteristics detailedly of those who are their users, should constitute a priority because starting from them it is possible to designed appropiately the plans of strategic management. The lack of information modernized on the socioeconomic profile of the students that enrol to the different academic programs offered by the University, prevents to identify aspects so important as: socioeconomic stratum, gender, geographical origin, age, civil state, labor activity, nature of the school where they finished high school studies, free time activities and interests, current coexistence, members of their family group, the parent´s educational level, and so on. For the above-mentioned, the Libre University of Cali with the coordination of the Program of Economy with emphasis in International Business, decided to carry out an investigation directed to identify the socioeconomic profile of the students that enroled to the different academic programs in 2007/I and starting from it, to support the design and adoption of development strategies toward the future. The obtained results involved students of the following academic programs: Business Administration, Public Accounting, Law and Political Sciences, and Economy with emphasis in International Business. For different circumstances they were not involved in the study students of nursing , System Engineering and Medicine.
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