El estímulo de las habilidades creativas en las organizaciones


  • Raymond Prada Daza, Ph.D. Universidad Libre


Creativity, innovation, managerial creativity, intrinsic motivation, leadership, shared vision, games of win-winning, barriers to the creativity, sinecmática, CREAMOS


The organizations are subject to maintain the statu quo of what produces them results and, at the same time, to change and to innovate to improve. But, this that seems obvious usually constitutes a dichotomy in the practice, because the change represents risks and, also, the area of security that defines what has worked always well, in general takes root deeply in the managerial culture limiting the creative experimentation. An option to maintain the re-productive thing in harmony with the productive –it means, the statu quo with the innovation–, is the adoption of motivated model groups, but they should prioritize the intrinsic motivation and to leave of the increase of the matches of interests individual - organization. To reach this objective it intends to improve the self knowledge of all and each one of the workers in a process that allows them to specify their expectations of growth and self growing in front of the possibilities that the company offers to them. The pattern of administration of creative abilities that this article shows, is focused in the technical Sinecmática, a methodology for the creativity and innovation that has demonstrated its utility has demonstrated for the individual work as grupal and for the creation of new competitive knowledge in the organizations.


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Raymond Prada Daza es Ph D en Ciencias Técnicas, MBA, Máster en Mercadeo e Ingeniero Industrial. Asesor de empresas y catedrático. E-mail: rrprada@gmail.com







How to Cite

El estímulo de las habilidades creativas en las organizaciones. (2008). LIBRE EMPRESA, 5(1), 17-31. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/libreempresa/article/view/2909