Water quality monitoring by chlorophyll-a applying satellite images in the Ramsar wetland, lake Guamués


  • Luis Alejandro Bucheli Rosero Universidad Mariana
  • Brayan Franklin Rojas Bastidas Universidad Mariana
  • Francisco Mafla Chamorro Universidad Mariana




Eutrophication, chlorophyll-a, optical satellite imagery, reflectance, Ramsar wetland


The sources of pollution both direct and dispersed are directly influenced the water quality in the planet’s reservoirs. Higher concentration of chlorophyll-a are indicators of eutrophication, this is the reason why low cost techniques to monitoring it become a fundamental tools to achieve the goal and even more when the RAMSAR WETLANDS start to manifested symptoms of meso-trophic conditions in specific zones and periods. The actual methodology presented is based on the establishment of the correlation between chlorophyll-a (Cl-a), taken In-situ, and the reflection levels, taken from the optical satellite images analysis. A correlation was founded with the combination of bands as followed: b2, b3, b4, b5 and b7 in which spatial variations of chlorophyll-a was evident. The higher values were founded in the years 2018 and 2020 in the following zones Mojondinoy, El Naranjal, Santa Teresita and Santa Lucía.


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How to Cite

Water quality monitoring by chlorophyll-a applying satellite images in the Ramsar wetland, lake Guamués. ingeniare [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 9 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];(31):21-3. Available from: https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/ingeniare/article/view/8935