Selection of the optimal symmetrical, airfoil for a vertical axis wind turbine using computational fluid dynamics


  • Alan Javier González Díaz Universidad de Córdoba
  • Leonardo José Geovo Coronado Universidad de Córdoba
  • Yahir Enrique González Doria Universidad de Córdoba



blade, cfd, airfoil, vawt


Vertical axis turbines (VAWT) were designed to generate  energy at low power. The turbine performance is defined  by the blade; the main component of these devices. In this  paper, using the software ANSYS 14.0, the NACA 0015,  NACA 0018, NACA 0021 and NACA 0025 profiles were  evaluated in order the select the profile with the highest  drag-lift ratio and the smoothest lift coefficient variation  as a function of attack angle. The NACA 0025 profile was  selected due to the dynamic stability showed at Reynolds  number and angle of attack assessed. 


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How to Cite

Selection of the optimal symmetrical, airfoil for a vertical axis wind turbine using computational fluid dynamics. ingeniare [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];(22):83-91. Available from: