Quality of service in the delivery of vehicles in automotive distributors General Motors in México


  • Osiris María Echeverría Ríos Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo
  • Marco Antonio Rodríguez Rojo
  • María Josefina Hernández Barrera
  • Myrna Hortencia Lezama León




Servqual, quality, automotive, transportation


Service quality is the result of a set of competitive actions and strategies that allow companies to differentiate themselves or improve the way they offer a service to the consumer. However, in the automotive industry, Mexican distributors or agencies that also belong to the same sector should be considered clients that are located in different parts of the country, so in this study two purposes were considered: the first is the general analysis of the quality of service in the delivery of new vehicles from car dealers in Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí and Aguascalientes in Mexico belonging to General Motors. The second is to analyze the quality of service of General Motors distributors, as service providers in the delivery of new vehicles in Hidalgo, Mexico, from the perspective of carriers. To solve the proposed purposes, a qualitative approach was obtained were two surveys based on the Servqual Model were applied to 21 people, in addition to making open questions addressed to carriers. The results showed that there are discrepancies between perceptions and expectations in the five dimensions, however, the dimensions furthest away in meeting expectations among companies were tangible elements, responsiveness, reliability, and security. In addition, the application of the Sevqual Model in the logistics transport service in the Latin American context should be reviewed and deepened


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2022-06-30 — Updated on 2022-09-05


How to Cite

Quality of service in the delivery of vehicles in automotive distributors General Motors in México. (2022). Criterio Libre, 20(36), e278690. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-0642/criteriolibre.2022v20n36.8690 (Original work published 2022)