Approach to the characteristics of companies that pose intangible assets in the valle de aburra and near east, colombia


  • Claudia Inés Sepúlveda Rivillas Universidad de Antioquia
  • Jenny Moscoso Escobar Universidad de Antioquia
  • Cristian Camilo Lema Ruiz Universidad de Antioquia



intangible assets, intellectual capital, emergent economy


In the current era, knowledge-based in intangible assets have gained significant importance in organizations for their contribution in generating competitive advantages and therefore increasing their value. However, due to the difficulties in their valuation and measurement, these resources are not yet fully disclosed in the financial statements, they have simply become a key element to explain the difference between the market value and the book value of companies.

In this sense, the research objective is deepen in the study of intangible assets, both theoretical and empirical, in order to identify the characteristics of the companies that own and manage these resources as a source of sustainable competitive advantages. With this purpose, a quantitative methodology was approached, with descriptive and correlational scope, using contingency tables, standardized corrected residuals test and Mann-Whitney U test.

The study was carried out with a sample of 64 companies, obtaining information from primary sources through a semi-structured personal interview, regarding the possession, management and valuation of intangible assets, as well as the R y D and innovation activities developed by the company. Additionally, secondary sources of information were accessed through the financial for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, obtained through the information and business reporting system (SIREM) of the Superintendencia de Sociedades de Colombia.

The results show that the companies that own intangible assets are those of bigger size, that have employees with postgraduate training, they carry out R y D and innovation activities, they belong to scientific and technological parks and business incubators and they are located in Medellín, capital of the Department of Antioquia, Colombia. It is also concluded that in emerging economies there are significant gaps in information on intangible assets in companies.



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How to Cite

Sepúlveda Rivillas, C. I., Moscoso Escobar, J., & Lema Ruiz, C. C. (2019). Approach to the characteristics of companies that pose intangible assets in the valle de aburra and near east, colombia. Criterio Libre, 17(30), 127-153.

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