An approach to Frederick W. Taylor from the problem of the distribution of profits


  • Javier Humberto Ospina Holguín Universidad del Valle
  • Ana Milena Padilla Ospina Universidad del Valle



classical theory of management, payment systems, Frederick W. Taylor, wage


This article examines the problem of the distribution of earnings between worker and employer in the main works of Frederick W. Taylor. For this purpose, a critical reading of the original sources is used. Taylor justifies the need to offer fair wages, but also advocates for not sharing profits equally with the company’s workers. Also, beyond an isolated search for a mere increase in efficiency in the production of the company, we find in his work a Taylor that oscillates between a further attempt to exploit the workers and a further attempt to improve the conditions of society as a whole, including the conditions of these same workers, precisely through increasing such efficiency



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How to Cite

An approach to Frederick W. Taylor from the problem of the distribution of profits. (2019). Criterio Libre, 17(30), 49-73.

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