The democratic dissapointment in the andean region
Formal establishment, democratic consolidation, Andean RegionAbstract
The Andean democracies have succumbed facing the grave institutional crisis with diverse manifestations. The abrupt departure of heads of state, the constant changes in their Constitutions and the reform of basic norms in order to strengthen the Executive power to the detriment of a substantial democracy are some of the issues. These crisis are the mere reflection of a bigger and deeper problem: The profound gap between democracy’s formal establishment and its effective consolidation. In other words, even though the implementation of democracy exists decades ago, there is no citizen appropriation of the system, the levels of social inclusion are precarious and the States don’t have effective management mechanism for the effective management of crisis. To deal with this problem, this article is divided into three parts. In the first place: will the Andean Region be noticed? Meaning, what does the term mean? Is it only geographical or does it have elements beyond that field? Second: will the gap between the formal establishment and the democratic consolidation be explored? Finally: will the theoretical advances in consolidation matters that can be applied in the region be analyzed?
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