Branding, financial performance, bibliometrics, Tree of ScienceAbstract
Purpose: the purpose of this article is to provide a bibliometric, analytical, and narrative analysis of the academic literature on the relationship between branding and financial performance, identifying areas of study and trends. It aims to delve into conceptualization, scientific mapping, the main themes addressed, and research trends in the relationship between branding and financial performance.
Methodological aspects: by using the scientific production extracted from the Web of Science -WoS- and Scopus databases, a bibliometric analysis was conducted along with a narrative review of the available literature based on the Tree of Science algorithm. Findings: through the collection of 192 documents from the databases, a descriptive analysis was conducted regarding the main sources, affiliations, countries, documents, and most relevant authors within the subject. Three main trending topics related to internal branding and human talent management, the influence of the brand on different stakeholders, and the role of branding in customer loyalty and corporate positioning were identified. Practical Implications, Originality, and Value: It is expected that the results will be useful for researchers and strategic business decision-makers to expand and strengthen the relationship between branding and financial performance.
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