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International financial reporting standard 6: conflict of interest in the business managements of the micro, small and medium enterprises in the mining sector in Colombia




accounting policies, accounting regulation, mineral resources, mining sector, standardization


Globalization is a phenomenon that has brought profound changes in economic, cultural, and technological relations between countries. In addition, interest in the environment and the effects of global industry and trade activities on it has increased over the last fifty years. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a consequence of globalization and Colombia, through Law 1314 of 2009, brought important changes at national level in accounting practice in general. The general objective of the research project presented here is to review the existing literature between the years 2014 and 2021 about IFRS 6 focused on companies in the Colombian mining sector belonging to groups 2 and 3, having financial accounting as its disciplinary delimitation. As specific objectives to achieve the general objective, it will be necessary to: diagnose how much accounting literature and research have contributed to the improvement of the implementation processes of IFRS 6 in companies in the Colombian mining sector; examine the degree of relevance of published research on IFRS 6 in the context of companies in the Colombian mining sector; discuss which topics can be investigated and are relevant for better implementation of IFRS 6 in companies in the Colombian mining sector; propose a series of investigations that enrich what has already been published and other new ones in the implementation of IFRS 6 in companies in the Colombian mining sector. This bibliographic review was developed with a qualitative methodology, having an exploratory descriptive approach, non-experimental design and using the data registration form as an instrument. This research has aroused the interest of professors dedicated to research to find out what has been said and what is happening in micro, small and medium enterprises of mining sector in Colombia.



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How to Cite

Munive Avendaño , M. E. . (2023). International financial reporting standard 6: conflict of interest in the business managements of the micro, small and medium enterprises in the mining sector in Colombia. Criterio Libre, 21(39), e3011260.